TRP 9h Squad – Term Enrolment

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You are enrolling the athlete in:

TRP 9h Squad

9h per week

Tuesday: 5:45pm - 8:30pm

Thursday: 5:15pm - 8:30pm

Saturday: 10:00am - 1:00pm

Enrolment starts on the first weekday (from the ones mentioned above) of the selected school term and finishes on the end of the selected school term.

Locked squad Acceptance Form

Please read carefully, accept and sign below the following : SPC Locked Squad Acceptance Form

By signing below, I accept SPC Locked Squad Acceptance Form:

Parents Code of Conduct:

Please read carefully, accept and sign below the following : SPC Parents Code of Conduct

By signing below, I accept SPC Parents Code of Conduct:

Athletes Code of Conduct:

Please read carefully, accept and sign below the following : SPC Athletes Code of Conduct

By signing below, I accept SPC Athletes Code of Conduct:

SPC Policies:

  • Terms are defined by QLD Public School Terms schedule for the corresponding year of enrolment

  • I give permission for images of my child to be acquired by a sanctioned videographer while participating in any club activities. I consent for the images to be used for publicity if required

  • I give permission for my child to receive medical/ambulance assistance in case of emergency and agree to pay such costs.

  • I understand that I may access my child's personal information held by the Centre upon request

  • I understand a formal registration policy is recorded and is available upon request

  • Terms fees are calculated based on weekly classes hours selected

  • I understand that Term Fees are set and no subject to change. If enrolling mid-term, Term Fee is still the same and cannot be pro-rata

  • Term Fee is still the same and cannot be pro-rata due to Squads Schedule Time Off or Competition during term

  • During school holidays, your spot in the class becomes available. To secure it for the next term, next term enrolment should be finalised before the current term enrolment finishes

  • Any missed Classes or Non Attendances are Non Refundable and do not entitle the customer to a credit (for Medical or Holiday Reasons please visit Parent Portal and Request Payment on Hold)

  • I understand SPC has Strict NO Make Up Policy

  • SUSPENSION DUE TO GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS If the service has been suspended due to government restrictions, this impacts your rights to a refund under the consumer guarantees. Therefore, for 50% of Fees, which covers goods or services - a voucher to use at a later date will be offered. NO Refund or Vouchers will be offered for the other 50% of Fees, which covers upkeeping "Building Lease and Equipment Lease”. For more information, please refer to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website.

  • All members must register for Trampoline sessions and wear wrist band and grip socks during their session

  • SPC has strictly NO REFUND policy. All bookings are non-refundable. Our refund and exchange policy comply with the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). All term enrolments are non-refundable. We are not required to provide a refund, credit or transfer if you change your mind. Please refer to the ACL Website for more information.

  • Refund can be considered due to medical or bankruptcy reasons: SPC CENTRE Management must be satisfied by your supporting documents to refund. Supporting documents have to be submitted by e-mail to

By signing this form, I accept SPC Policies:

Consent form/Indemnity:

By signing this, I fully understand the nature of Super Performance Centre's classes and activities and agree for my child/myself to participate at their own risk, knowing and accepting that Super Performance Centre will ensure that all activities are carried out in a safe and reasonable manner.

I agree and abide by any guidelines set out by Super Performance Centre and to follow the instructions given by coaches, teachers and/or Super Performance Centre staff. I also undertake to pay all medical costs, which may be incurred by me and by anyone as a result of my actions while participating in these activities.

I shall, on demand, indemnify and keep indemnified Super Performance Centre against all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, liabilities, outgoings and payments which Super Performance Centre pays or sustains in any way arising from any circumstance which may occur during my(the member) attendance at Super Performance Centre's program(s).

Please follow the link to read: SPC Terms&Conditions

I agree to SPC Terms&Conditions
The information provided in this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to advise the club promptly of any changes that may occur:
Clear Signature
I agree that Term Enrolment Pre-paid amount is NOT refundable

Registration is compulsory for all SPC members

Read more about Gymnastics Australia insurance here: Gymnastics Australia Sports Cover
