COVID-19 Policy and Information Page

On the 8th May, 2020 the Queensland Government released the Queensland Roadmap to Easing Covid-19 restrictions. The roadmap outlines a staged approach to enable more freedom and participation in activities.

Please find below dates and stages of what the Club is permitted to do:

  • Stage 1 – From 15th May our Club has been instructed that we are not permitted to run any structured physical activity at our premises. Stage 1 restrictions are intended to allow informal unstructured physical activity and training (Families, groups of friends & members of the same household). Community sport (including the organised return of club training) is not scheduled to return until Stage 2. The club is currently in the process of organising what Stage 2 will look like.


  • Stage 2 – From 13 June the Club is able to open and deliver indoor classes for up to 20 people at a time. We are currently having Trials Only for New Members plus all Kindergym Classes will recommence in the mornings at this stage, we have a limited number of classes and spaces for these programs which we are able to deliver safe participation.

Unfortunately, due to the numbers we are restricted to, our regular schedule recreational and squad programs (except KinderGym program) will not recommence at Stage 2.

Stage 2: Description of activities
Indoor/outdoor activity that can be conducted in small groups (not more than 20 athletes and/or other personnel in total) and with adequate spacing (1 person per 4m2). Some sharing of sporting equipment permitted such as use of skipping ropes, weights, mats. Non-contact skills training.

Stage 2: General hygiene measures
‘Get in, train and get out’ – be prepared for training prior to arrival at venue (no communal gathering in change rooms, bathrooms).
Minimise use of communal facilities (e.g. changerooms) with limited numbers (not more than 20 athletes/staff in total). Cleaning protocols in place for equipment and facilities. Hand hygiene (hand sanitisers) on entry and exit to the venues, as well as pre, post and during training. Maintaining social distance of at least 1.5m while training.

To ensure we comply with the Indoor Sports Group INDUSTRY COVID SAFE PLAN, we hereby advise that the viewing area is strictly for participants in programs only. This area is closed to all spectators.

We are limited to the amount of people we can have in each zone in our new venue and appreciate your understanding.


  • Stage 3 – From the 11th July and subject to further planning and review, the club is allowed to have a maximum of 100 people in the Gym. All classes will resume from this date subject to a small class timetable adjustment for Saturday’s pickup time and participation. Shorter class duration, to allow for change over and cleaning between classes. As Stage 3 approaches we will communicate further these details.

Stage 3: Description of activities
Full sporting activity that can be conducted in groups of up to 100 attendees at one time including full contact (competitions).
General hygiene measures:
Return to full use of training facilities. Continue hygiene and cleaning measures as per Stage 2.
Limit unnecessary social gatherings.

We will continue to keep all members updated on when classes will be able to begin or changed as these restrictions are lifted. We thank you for your patience and understanding during COVID-19.

If Queensland Government makes any changes to the Stages outlined above we will adjust our policy accordingly.


Please Note: All Accounts in non-running programs are currently on hold until we reopen them.

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