Flipz Academy / SPC



Thank you for your interest in purchasing Flipz Academy / SPC Ongoing Membership!

Whether you have already signed up or want to know a little more, please take the time to read through the following terms and conditions carefully.

TRIALS no more than 2(two) trials can be booked in the same class. After the second trial formal registration with Flipz Academy / SPC is required

MINIMUM TERM A minimum term of 6 months (25 weeks of classes) is applied to a Cheaper Option ongoing memberships and determined from the date of purchase. All ongoing memberships will be charged to the customer based on the option selected (Pre-Paid or Direct Debit). Once you have completed your minimum term, your ongoing membership will automatically roll over. If you have selected to pay your ongoing membership upfront (Pre-Paid), your ongoing membership will NOT automatically renew beyond the six months contract. If you wish to opt out (once you have completed your minimum term), you are able to do so through Cancellation Requests Page on our Parent Portal. Cancellation Request must be provided with at least 14 day notice before the next debit to guarantee cancellation prior to the payment.

NO LOCK-IN CONTRACT MEMBERSHIP Requires upfront Payment of $170 for Registration. Cancellation Request must be provided by e-mail to memberships@flipz.au with a 48 hour notice prior to the next payment.


  • Guests: All our guests must purchase and wear a wristband and grip socks whenever they’re participating in any activity.
  • Members: It’s important to note that members are also required to wear a wristband and grip socks, when using the facility outside of their scheduled class times.

Member access is subject to availability on a walk-in basis. Every effort will be made to accommodate your centre access, however, in the case of a venue buy out, maintenance closures or changes to operational hours, you may be unable to enter the centre on these occasions. To check availability and special notices please click here. You can collect your wristband at the Check-in desk upon entry.

UNLIMITED KINDY GYM MEMBERS have access to the Trampoline park 9:00am to 03:00pm from Monday to Friday, during the State school term. Children must be fully supervised at all times.

FLIPZ ACADEMY / SPC UNLIMITED CLASSES MEMBERS ACCESS Member access is subject to availability for each Class. Every effort is made to accommodate your class access by Booking System however, in the case of a venue buy out, maintenance closures or changes to operational hours, you may be unable to enter the centre on these occasions. To check availability and special notices please click here. All Members and guests at FLIPZ ACADEMY / SPC TRAMPOLINE PARK must wear a wristband when participating in Trampoline and Ninja Zone. You can collect your wristband at the Check-in desk upon entry.

Unlimited Trampoline MEMBERS have access to the Trampoline park anytime from Monday to Sunday subject to session capacity on walk in basses.

INCLUSIONS FLIPZ ACADEMY / SPC TRAMPOLINE PARK Memberships include the following Activities: Ninja, Parkour, and Trampoline Zone. All standard height restrictions and Activity rules apply. Other Activities may be included at the discretion of Flipz Academy / SPC management.

BENEFITS Flipz Academy / SPC ongoing memberships receive 50% off Flipz Academy / SPC Trampoline park entry fees.

EXCLUSIONS Members benefits discounts do not apply to already discounted products, including investor discounts. Investor discounts do not apply to membership pricing.

MINIMUM AGE Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied and fully supervised by an adult and within the adult’s reach at all times. (The adult supervisor cannot hold a child and bounce or bounce with a child.)

HEALTH On the day you sign your agreement and each time you attend FLIPZ ACADEMY / SPC TRAMPOLINE PARK, you confirm that:

  • You are in good physical condition
  • You know of no medical issues or concerns that should impede your participation in the active or passive exercises involved in Flipz Academy / SPC

Members are responsible for notifying Flipz Academy / SPC Administration of any changes to their health that would result in putting their well-being at risk by participating at Flipz Academy / SPC. This notification can be provided in writing to memberships@flipz.au or at the Check-in desk upon arrival.

You must not use the centre facilities if:

  • You have an infection, contagious illness, physical ailment or are pregnant
  • There is any other risk, however small, to other members and guests
  • Are under the influence of alcohol, strong medication or drugs.

AGREEMENT START DATE. You have an agreement with Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE which is active from the date signed on the membership agreement and Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE management accepted it.

SPC CENTRE ENFORCEMENT RIGHTS If Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE does not enforce its agreement rights at any time, it does not mean those rights have been wavered, regardless of any time delays that may exist.

CHANGES TO TERMS & CONDITIONS Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE may at times, add to, edit or delete terms and conditions of the Centre policy. This includes changing our opening and closing hours, services and membership terms. At certain junctures, we may also close the centre for events or to improve the facilities. Change of accessibility of the Centre for any of those reasons does not constitute grounds for a change in membership fee. The most up-to-date terms and conditions always apply. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE will provide at least 30 days notice of any changes by all or one of the following methods:

  • Publishing them in our newsletter
  • Placing a notice in the centre
  • Text messaging the last mobile phone number provided to us

PAYMENT If you select to pay upfront, your entire 6-months membership will be debited from your nominated card upon purchase. If you select to pay via weekly direct debits we will debit your membership fees from your nominated account each week or as set out in your membership agreement. Please note that:

  • Debit dates are pre-set for all members
  • Debits might take up to 5 days to come out of your account.
  • If you query a payment, we will do our best to respond within 7 days

You must make sure that:

  • Your account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this)
  • There is enough money in your account on the payment day and the next 5 days
  • Visit Update Payment Details and update your card details with at least 48 hours notice of the next debit if you are transferring or closing your account. This also applies to changes of card details such as expiry dates or card numbers.

PAYMENTS AND ATTENDANCE All Classes run As Usual during School Holidays and Missed Classes or Non-attendance Do Not entitle you to a Credit or Refund. Flipz Academy / SPC has strictly No Make Up policy. For any Medical or Holiday reasons please visit Members Portal and Request PAYMENT ON HOLD

FAILED OR LATE PAYMENTS If your membership fees are not up to date, we will suspend your centre access until your payments are up to date. If you need to catch up on payments, we will continue to debit your nominated account without notice, until we have received the total amount owed. We will make a reasonable effort to let you know beforehand by:

  • Phoning you or speaking to you at the Centre
  • Texting the most recent mobile phone number you have given us for membership/s in your name. You must make sure that the payment method you choose will be valid for the length of your agreement. If the details you give us fail, you are liable for all resulting fees. You should update your details and are obligated to complete your minimum term.


COMPETITIVE SQUAD ENROLMENTS in Competitive squads are competitive program participation. This includes regular yearly competitions and charges for entry fees. Yearly competition calendars are communicated at beginning of each calendar year and updated accordingly to any changes throughout the year. Readiness for competition participation is up to the squad’s coach discretion. If the athlete has been deemed ready to compete, they will be nominated to compete and charged with the competition entry fee. Each athlete will be advised by e-mail sent to the primary e-mail on Flipz Academy / SPC file, prior to each competition to register. In the case of change of mind about participation – it needs to be advised maximum 1 week after the competition invitation e-mail communication. After that period – only 30% of the competition entry fees will be refunded.

Current surcharges are:

  • 2% + GST per payment
  • A $10.00 service fee is applied to ‘returned’ payments, this is additional to the dishonour fee from your respective banks.
  • A $7.50 late fee is incurred on any past due date payment periodically every 10 days. Additional late charges occur at 30 days intervals


  • 50% of fees covers Goods and/or services
  • 50% of fees covers Upkeeping: “Building Lease and Equipment Lease”

UPGRADES/DOWNGRADES Members may upgrade their membership at any time during the term of their ongoing membership with no penalty or fees. Members cannot downgrade their membership during the minimum term.

Flipz Academy / SPC has strictly NO MAKE-UP Policy Ignorance or absenteeism to the scheduled classes does not void membership agreement nor entitle the customer to a credit. We have “No Make-Up” Policy. You can request payment on hold for medical reasons on “Members Portal”. A certificate from a qualified medical practitioner must be uploaded. To receive this Certificate please visit: https://housecalldoctor.com.au/home-doctor-gold-coast/. This service is Bulk Billed (free).

You can cancel your membership during the minimum term without penalty if: Participant is sick or incapacitated. A certificate from a qualified medical practitioner must be presented stating that a member cannot exercise for the rest of 25 weeks term, OR you are bankrupt. Supporting documents must be presented in this instance. In all other cases, an early exit fee of $150, and 14 days-notice will be required to cancel a membership within the minimum term.

REFUND POLICY Our refund and exchange policy comply with the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). All bookings are non-refundable. We are not required to provide a refund, credit or transfer if you change your mind. Please refer to the ACL Website for future information.

GYMNASTIC AUSTRALIA REGISTRATION strictly non-refundable or transferrable.

TRAMPOLINE PARK PASSES & HOLIDAY CAMPS Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds on cancellations for Trampoline park passes and School Holiday & Ninja Camps. However, we can transfer these payments to another day that is within 3 months of the original booking date.

CLASS TRANSFER ADMIN FEE Members may request their Class Day or Class Time to be changed to any other times during the term of their membership(subject to availability). Administration processing fee of $10 may apply at SPC admin discretion.

CANCELLATION Members may cancel their ongoing membership with 14 days notice, at any time after the minimum contract period for Cheaper Option has ended. If you wish to cancel you are able to do so through Cancellation Requests Page on our Members Portal. All Cancellation Requests must be provided with at least 14 day notice before the next debit to guarantee cancellation prior to the payment. You can also cancel your membership if we breach our obligations and we do not fix the breach in a reasonable time after you have told us about it in writing. We will refund any membership fees you have paid between the date of notification and the date on which we decide that we cannot fix the breach. You can cancel your ongoing membership during the minimum term without penalty if:

  • Suspension is not a suitable alternative, AND
  • Participant is sick or incapacitated. A certificate from a qualified medical practitioner must be presented stating that you cannot exercise for the rest of your term, OR
  • You are bankrupt. Supporting documents must be presented in this instance.

In all other cases, an early exit fee of $150 and 14 days notice will be required to cancel an ongoing membership within the minimum term. If you have paid your membership fee upfront and wish to cancel, the early exit fee of $150 applies as well as the 14 days notice. Any remaining funds after these have been deducted will be refunded to you. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE also reserves the right to suspend or cancel memberships if guests engage in misconduct or inappropriate behaviour whilst on the premises. For more information, please refer to the Flipz Academy / SPC Centre Terms and Conditions

SUSPENSION (FREEZE MEMBERSHIP) You can suspend your ongoing membership for 2 or more weeks, up to a maximum of 6 weeks at a time. You cannot suspend your ongoing membership for a partial week. The suspension fee for all memberships is $10 per week, which you can pay in advance. Memberships can only be suspended when all membership fees are up to date and no money is outstanding. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE cannot backdate any suspension. Please note that if you are within your minimum term, membership suspension is not classified as a payment towards your contracted term. You can suspend your ongoing membership for more than 6 weeks if you have travel, medical or bankruptcy reasons. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE Management must be satisfied by your supporting documents to suspend your membership for longer than 6 weeks. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE will not charge you for membership suspension if you suspended your membership due to health or bankruptcy reasons.

SUSPENSION DUE TO GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS If the service has been suspended due to government restrictions, this impacts your rights to a refund under the consumer guarantees. Therefore, for 50% of Fees, which covers goods or services – a voucher to use at a later date will be offered. NO Refund or Vouchers will be offered for the other 50% of Fees, which covers upkeeping “Building Lease and Equipment Lease”. For more information, please refer to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website.

TRANSFERRING MEMBERSHIP You can transfer your membership to another person (transferee) within the minimum term of your agreement as long as the transferee:

  • Is not currently a member
  • Has paid Registration Fee
  • Is eligible to take up your membership. The transfer is effective only after the transferee has completed the sign-up process.

IDENTIFICATION Upon your first visit, after signing up to a membership, you will be requested by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE crew to take a photo for your membership profile. You will need to check in at the front desk anytime you attend the Centre so we can review your profile photo and provide your entry wristband. If a member attempts to share their membership access with another person, they risk having their membership suspended or cancelled by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE management.

LIABILITY In joining as an Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE member, it is assumed that you have read and acknowledged the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE Liability waiver. You can find a full version of the current waiver here

PRIVACY Direct Debit Bank Account and Credit Card details are stored securely with Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd. The membership purchaser is the only one authorised to make changes to the membership. In cases where membership has been purchased for a child (under 18 years old), that child must nominate a parent or guardian to make changes on their behalf. For more information on Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE official Privacy Policy, please click here.



Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE has a tightly controlled set of safety procedures that have been approved by the best industry safety specialists available and are based on the industry’s best practices. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE is committed to continual refinement in the pursuit of excellence in safety procedures.


Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE recruits staff that are experienced in the activities they are supervising. This ensures that they are equipped with the skills to identify safety concerns before they happen. Staff are trained in CPR and First Aid and are tasked with the responsibility of supervising and coaching participants in the safe usage of all activities in the centre.


Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE staff provides training and instructions on all activities to ensure guests can fully enjoy the experience and are well equipped with the safety protocols of their use. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE is always looking for new ways to improve its safety briefings to enhance guest awareness and safe usage of the equipment.

If you have any concerns about yours or any other child’s well-being please visit www.flipz.au/child-protection-policy for details or contact Member Protection and Information Officer (MPIO) at: MPIO@flipz.au


Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE aims to be the leader in safety in all Gymnastics Sports active market and we encourage your feedback to help us get there.



Safety is our number one priority


Follow the direction of Flipz Academy / SPC Centre Staff at all times


Make yourself aware of the rules on entry to each activity


Do not enter any activity without an Flipz Academy / SPC Centre Staff member present


Only one person per trampoline at any time. Adult supervisors cannot hold a child and bounce or bounce with a child


Stay within your skill level and abilities at all times


Flipz Academy / SPC Centre Grip Socks must be worn for Trampolines and appropriate clothing should be worn at all times


Always wear a valid wristband which acknowledges you have read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions


Flipz Academy / SPC Centre requests that guests be respectful and inclusive of others. Inappropriate language and physical contact are also discouraged and may result in removal from the facility. Bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances.



  1. The following conditions of sale (“Conditions”) will apply to and bind the purchaser of any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE product.
  2. Super Performance Centre Pty Ltd (ACN 120 811 805) trading as SPC CENTRE and Flipz Academy (ACN 663 531 771) as the suppliers of recreational and competitive services, sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (“Customer”) including, but not limited to: trampolining; use of the trampoline wall; equipment and maintenance; use of ninja warrior course; parkour; gymnastics; dance and martial arts and the presence of people or objects thereon; the surrounding areas and any other sporting or leisure time pursuits (“Recreational Activities”) in the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue subject to the following terms outlined in these Conditions.
  3. By purchasing a ticket or membership for using any of the facilities at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue, including wearing a wristband supplied by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, accepting a discounted or complimentary pass to a Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue, or by using any of the facilities at any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue, the Customer represents that it has read the conditions, meets the requirements of entry (including health, age, weight and height restrictions), agrees to be bound by these Conditions, and agrees that these Conditions are deemed to have been signed by the Customer.
  4. To the fullest extent allowable by law, Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, its related parties, affiliates, staff, contractors, management, directors and agents are not liable to the Customer, its related parties, affiliates, dependents or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the Customer whatsoever, including but not limited to personal injury or death suffered due to the Recreational Activities not being provided with due care and skill or not being reasonably fit for their purpose or because of the negligence, breach of contract or statute, or statutory or common law duty owed by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE.
  5. To the extent allowable by law, Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE makes no warranties or representations regarding the goods or services provided by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, including but not limited to: its staff, the venue, facility or equipment.
  6. The Customer acknowledges that the Recreational and Gymnastics Activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the Customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to bring any kind of claim or suit (legal or otherwise) against Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, and to the extent allowable by law fully indemnifies Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, for any personal injury or death caused in any way whatsoever by, or relating to, the Customer using any of the facilities at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue or participating in the Recreational Activities.
  7. The Customer acknowledges that Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE’S safety policy and rules are available on Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE website. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE safety policy and rules also include the rules and warnings displayed at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venues. The Customer agrees to adhere to the safety policy and rules and acknowledges that there is significant risk in non-compliance with them. Strict adherence to the safety policy and rules by the Customer is required by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE as a term of entry into any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue.
  8. RISK WARNING:The use of trampolines, the wall, or any other equipment at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue involves a significant risk of Customers suffering personal injury including the possibility of personal injury or death. All Customers who engage in Recreational Activities do so at their own risk.
  9. The Customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to ensure the protection of his or her welfare in the event of personal injury, including but not limited to the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.
  10. Children must be at least eighteen (18) months of age to use the facilities at any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue and if less than thirteen (13) years of age be supervised by a responsible adult during Trampoline and Ninja Action Zone Sessions as well as Birthday Parties. Where you are responsible for such children, you agree to be bound by these Conditions yourself and separately on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.
  1. Adults assisting on the floor for children under the age of 6 in Kindy Gym, Birthday Parties as well as wearing a Non-jumper pass, are covered under Gymnastics Australia policy. The cover is limited and does not include loss of income as Adults are not registered as athletes.
  2. The Customer warrants that they are, and those they supervise are of good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons pregnant women, Customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines, the tramp wall, ninja course, raised pit or any other equipment. If unsure, please seek independent and professional medical advice.
  3. The weight limit for Customers is 120kgs. It is advised by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE that before engaging in any Recreational Activity, a Customer with weight concerns should seek approval from their medical practitioner. The minimum height recommended for the activity floor is 110cm or above and Customers less than 110cm tall or under 5 years old are recommended to use the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE parent assisted activities only. Without limiting any of the Conditions, Customers and supervisors of children acknowledge that access to either the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE or the activity outside of these recommendations is at their own risk.
  4. While in any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue, you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible.
  5. Upon entering the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue you agree to protect and hold safe any of your personal belongings. Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE is not held in any way responsible for any items that may be lost or stolen at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue.
  6. All tickets remain the property of Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE, cannot be refunded, transferred or resold and are valid only for the date shown and are deemed void if tampered with.
  7. A deposit is required to secure a party or event booking, and full payment made prior to your visit. The deposit and the full payment made in advance are non-refundable.
  8. Flipz Academy / SPC Team Uniform Policy: Squad team uniform policy applies to any garment worn by 2 or more athletes of the same squad team for training or event purposes. A levy of $15 per athlete will apply to any Squad team uniform which has not been purchased through Flipz Academy / SPC.
  1. The Customer must comply with all signs or other directions of Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE and the Centre may suspend or cancel the Customer’s access to Recreational Activities at any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue in its absolute discretion, including but not limited to: non-compliance with these Conditions; reckless or careless conduct; aggressiveness and/or any other behaviour deemed to be unsuitable by Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE.
  2. The Customer acknowledges that smoking, the consumption of alcohol or the use of any unlawful drugs or stimulants at Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venues is strictly forbidden and their participation in the Recreational Activities will not be allowed should a member of Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE Staff consider that they have undertaken these activities at any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue, or are under the influence of alcohol, unlawful drugs, lawful drugs which may adversely affect cognitive and motor function, or stimulants.  The Customer warrants and represents that they are not under the influence of alcohol, unlawful drugs, lawful drugs which may adversely affect cognitive and motor function, or stimulants (and will not be) while present at the Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE facility.
  3. If the Customer purchases a ticket for the use of the gymnastics sports facilities, trampolines, ninja warrior course, parkour or any other equipment or facilities at any Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE venue on behalf of another person, they and the other person both agree that the Customer makes that purchase as the authorised agent of that other person, so that he or she will be bound by these Conditions.
  4. The Customer acknowledges that Flipz Academy / SPC CENTRE grip socks must be worn at all times on the trampolines and other activity areas, and that closed toe shoes must be worn at all times in ninja warrior course and parkour zone.
  5. The Customer must comply with the height restriction of 125cm tall to use the Performance trampolines and Raised Pit area.
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